Translated by: Mohamad Alhajar. Currently ~1M GPT-4 completions, and ~3. It is tabularized in alignment with the distributions presented in the ORCA paper and currently represents a partial completion of the full intended dataset, with ongoing generation to expand its scope. The data Sheep Independent Escort In Turquie primarily used for training and evaluation in the field of natural language processing. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words e. PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head includes an event or an action in the Tail or not. This happens when the Tail denotes a step within the larger head event. To find the answer, you need to read the Head and Tail phrases carefully. The Tail phrase describes a step within the larger event described in the Head phrase. Bir görev verildiğinde, görevin ne istediğini, sağladığı yönergeleri ve yanıtı bulmak için bu yönergelerin nasıl kullanılacağını basit adımlarla açıklarsınız. Baş ve Kuyruk etkinlikleri muhtemelen katılımcıları içeren kısa ifadelerdir. PersonX her zaman olayın konusudur. Başın Kuyrukta bir olay veya eylem içerip içermediğini belirlemeniz gerekir. Bu, Kuyruk daha büyük baş olayı içindeki bir adımı gösterdiğinde meydana gelir. Cevabı bulmak için Baş ve Kuyruk cümlelerini dikkatlice okumanız gerekir. Kuyruk cümlesi, Başlık cümlesinde açıklanan daha büyük olay içindeki bir adımı açıklar. User will you give you a task. Your goal is to complete the task as faithfully as you can. While performing Sheep Independent Escort In Turquie task think step-by-step and justify your steps. It is native to the western United States and Baja California, where it can be found in mountains and foothills, in forested and open habitat types, and deserts. The preceding text states that Phacelia mutabilis can be found in mountains and foothills, in forested and open habitat types, and deserts, but it does not mention anything about lakes and rivers. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that Phacelia mutabilis is found by lakes and rivers based on the information provided. Kullanıcı size bir görev verecek. Amacınız görevi olabildiğince sadık bir şekilde tamamlamaktır. Görevi yerine getirirken adım adım düşünün ve adımlarınızı gerekçelendirin. Anavatanı batı Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Baja Kaliforniya'dır; burada dağlarda ve dağ eteklerinde, ormanlık ve açık habitat türlerinde ve çöllerde bulunabilir. Önceki metinde Phacelia mutabilis'in dağlarda ve tepelerde, ormanlık ve açık habitat türlerinde ve çöllerde bulunabileceği belirtiliyor, ancak göller ve nehirler hakkında hiçbir şey yazılmıyor. Dolayısıyla verilen bilgilere göre Phacelia mutabilis'in göl ve nehir kenarlarında bulunduğunu söylemek doğru değildir. You should describe the task and explain your answer. While answering a multiple choice question, first output the correct answer s. Then explain why other answers are wrong. You might need to use additional knowledge to answer the question. Shakil Afridi, who is in prison awaiting a new trial in connection with the killing of bin Laden, has been accused of performing an appendectomy in on a boy who died from complications, according to a criminal complaint in Pakistan filed by the boy's mother. The murder charge against Afridi comes just months after a Pakistani judicial commissioner overturned his conviction for his role in the bin Laden killing, which included, among other things, running a fake vaccination trial. He had been sentenced in to 33 years in prison. Afridi's nationality, but it is not the subject of the new charge. Afridi's assistance in finding bin Laden, but it is not the subject of the new charge.
Kuyruk cümlesi, Başlık cümlesinde açıklanan daha büyük olay içindeki bir adımı açıklar. Seksen Yıl Savaşları. Abroad its only desire was for the long-term Mediterranean and European peace which wo uld enable it to pursue its programme undisturbed. Tersine, daha büyük bir gırtlak daha uzun ve daha kalın ses tellerine sahip olacak ve bu da daha derin bir sese yol açacaktır. Göreviniz verilen bağlamı ve seçenekleri kullanarak sorunun doğru cevabını bulmaktır. Kişisel hayatını nispeten özel tuttu ve ailesi hakkında çok az bilgi mevcut.
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Greece-Escort independent escort from Athens, Greece. Toda vel gela mi punaa dole zhakle aani tar tyane mala kurvalayla suruvat keli mazha. In the game, you will play the role of a young lamb, unite the sheep village partners, fight against the invading coyotes together. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sex on fattening performance and carcass characteristics of Kivircik lambs. Abstract. This is a 3D Rougelike game. EGEMEN gazetesinin yayınladığı tüm ilanlar'de.Anlatıcı çılgınlığa katılmama konusunda ne hissetti? Question: suppose there is more rainfall happens, how will it affect more eggs are laid. The Mendelssohn and the Schubert both received sensitive readings that never made them sound like salon pieces. The article also mentions his ability to entertain and his potential for growth as a musician. A soldier named Frankie Ricky Giovinazzo is seen running alone through the jungle as his voice narrates. Aras informed the British Embassy in Ankara towards the end of October that he anticipated that the Italian government would insist on the introduction of the imperial quality of the King of Italy not only into the toasts which would be drunk at an official banquet during Count Ciano's visit, but also into the protocol which it was proposed to sign on that occasion recording the promise of the Italian government to accede to the Montreux Convention. Yasaklama döneminde Lester Gillis'in daha çok bilindiği ismi belirleyeceğim. In the prohibition era, who was gangster Lester Gillis better known as? Turkish J. After Frankie leaves, Paco, the child prostitue's pimp, beats up the teenage girl for not making enough money. Bu, atmosfere giren, doğal süreçlerle emilenden veya uzaklaştırılandan daha fazla karbondioksit olduğu anlamına gelir. Also, try to relax your body, including your shoulders, neck, and jaw. It would be to d٦e effect that, as Turkey attached particular importance to its relations with Britain, the moment seemed hardly opportune for widening the basis of Turkish-Italian relations; that on the basis of the existing Turkish-Italian Treaty of , which the Turkish government considered satisfactory, Turkey was always willing to cooperate in cultivating better neighbourly relations and that if in the future it seemed desirable to enlarge that basis, Turkey would not be willing to proceed to any bilateral arrangement since it could only contemplate arrangements which fell within the framework of the recent Anglo-Italian declaration concerning the Mediterranean. Göreviniz İspanyolca cümleyi Farsçaya çevirmek. Esneme sırasında vücudunuzu hareket ettiren dinamik esnemeleri kullanın. Bunun nedeni, B zamanının, fosil yakıtların çok miktarda kullanıldığı iki bin yılında ayarlanmış olmasıdır. During a visit to Tripoli in March , Mussolini grandiloquently proclaimed himself the 'protector of Islam'. In return, Britain for its part would guarantee Turkey in the event of the latter's being involved in a war with either or both of Italy and Germany, however it arises [ 47 ]. In acquainting Loraine with this overture, Aras said that the Turkish government contemplated sending a discouraging reply. Q:I am a movie director and I just received the following movie plot. As they talk, Pete sees a picture of a sailor and asks who it is. Bu web sitesi Creative Commons Atıf 4. You have to determine whether the Head includes an event or an action in the Tail or not. I love it. The principle which underlay the 'mare nostium' policy of Mussolini could be called Machiavellian. Bu grubun tamamını "siyah" olarak tanımlamaya çalışmak, kültürün dışından farklı bir kimliğin yanlış bir şekilde dayatılması ve insanların eşit derecede geçerli olan diğer soylarını ve kültürlerini inkar etmek olacaktır. Bu, tersine bir tek damla kuralı gibi görünüyor. Dubois'in iki çocuğu var ancak isimleri ve yaşları kamuya açıklanmıyor. No, the next sentence does not follow given the preceding text. This is a 3D Rougelike game. They had in short, been wont to regard Italy as their only potential enemy-for Turkey was at friendship, and bound by treaties, with all its neighbours. Ancak fahişeye parası olmadığını söyleyince fahişe ona gitmesini söyler. Medidas determinadas sobre canales de corderos machos y hembras de raza segureña. Having read the above passage, choose the right answer to the following question choices are High or low : A person that has a small larynx will have what type of voice High or low?