Eskort Shipping Agency has been successfully continuing its agency services in the maritime sector since ; all kind of agency services that we provide to domestic and foreign flagged ships in many ports of Turkey are based on a successful cooperation with the respect we have for our business, the meticulousness in our Eskort gemi acenteli ği and the satisfaction awareness of our business partners. Salim was born in Aitos, Bulgaria. Every year, thousands of ships of all types come to Turkish ports or transit through the Eskort gemi acenteli ği and Bosphorus Straits that connect the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. As Eskort Ship Agency, we provide full agency services to the ships passing through the straits to ensure smooth and safe passages. Since maritime transportation is the most cost-effective way of shipping goods worldwide, Eskort Shipping Agency fulfills its responsibilities beyond standard ship agency services with a wide range of complementary services, including tanker, container, conventional cargo, bulk cargo, reefer container as well as repairs and maintenance services in the shipyards. Our aim is to provide full agency services by ensuring that all operations and services are successful, accurate, fast and cost-effective. In addition to the agency services, our company also assists their customers to find a suitable ship according to their cargo requirement. In our developing and changing world, we believe that the best way for us to develop in the competitive environment among other organizations operating in the agency services for domestic and foreign flagged ships will be possible by providing quality service in all our activities. With our experienced team, we can assure continuous customer satisfaction ; ensure our development by increasing our productivity and create, develop and implement quality standards with our team spirit. We are aware that service quality is not about detecting errors; it is about preventing the occurrence Eskort gemi acenteli ği errors. VIsIon Got Larger. About Our Company. Eskort Shipping Agency. The ship types that our company mainly serves are Dry Bulk, Container and Tanker vessels. Our operational expertise covers the following areas. Transit passages: Every year, thousands of ships of all types come to Turkish ports or transit through the Dardanelles and Bosphorus Straits that connect the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Port and Shipyard Agency: Since maritime transportation is the most cost-effective way of shipping goods worldwide, Eskort Shipping Agency fulfills its responsibilities beyond standard ship agency services with a wide range of complementary services, including tanker, container, conventional cargo, bulk cargo, reefer container as well as repairs and maintenance services in the shipyards.
Eskort Gemi Acenteliği
ESKORT GEMİ ACENTALIĞI KUMANYACILIK VE TAHMİL TAHLİYE escort-elit-vip.onlineŞTİ. ; Adres, KEMALPAŞA MAH. ŞAHABETTİN BİLGİSU CAD. BİLYIL APT. NO/1 ; İl, Kocaeli ; İlçe. Yavuz Sultan Mah. Körfez Cad. D Plaza B Blok K:3 D, Derince Merkez, Derince, Kocaeli (İzmit) - KOCAELI. ESKORT GEMİ ACENTALIĞI KUMANYACILIK VE TAHMİL TAHLİYE escort-elit-vip.onlineŞTİ. 0 Değerlendirme. Firma bilgileri yükleniyor. Eskort Shipping – Shipping AgencyWe know that keeping an excellent record of these high values differ us from other companies in the sector which servet he same tasks. GP Şirket Ref. Konusu ile ilgili olarak dahili ve harici acentalık, komisyonculuk, distribütörlük, temsilcilik, toptancılık, perakendecilik, ithalat, transit ticaret, geçici ithalat ve ihracat faaliyetlerinde bulunabilir, Türkiye içinde ve dışında başka kişi ve kuruluşları temsilci, dağıtımcı ve acenta olarak tayin edebilir g Bilgisayar, bilgisayar yazıcıları, her türlü elektronik ve elektrikli malzemeler, makine ve cihazlar ile bunların yedek parçalarını almak, satmak, ithal ve ihraç etmek. We belive that in order for us to prosper in the ever competitive environment of agency services to turkish or foreign flagged vessels, we fully acknowledge that agencies have to operate with the utmost care and with the application of highest quality standarts in the sector. In addition to the agency services, our company also assists their customers to find a suitable ship according to their cargo requirement.
0 Değerlendirme. 81 56Ana Telefon. Yavuz Sultan Mah. Körfez Cad. D Plaza B Blok K:3 D, Derince Merkez, Derince, Kocaeli (İzmit) - KOCAELI. ; Adres, KEMALPAŞA MAH. ŞAHABETTİN BİLGİSU CAD. BİLYIL APT. NO/1 ; İl, Kocaeli ; İlçe. Telefon Numarası. ESKORT GEMİ ACENTALIĞI KUMANYACILIK VE TAHMİL TAHLİYE escort-elit-vip.onlineŞTİ. Firma bilgileri yükleniyor. Yavuz Sultan Mah. Körfez Cad. D Plaza B Blok Kat: 3 Daire: 13, Derince Merkez, Derince, Kocaeli. Çıkarılmış Sermaye, TL. ; İşlem Sembolü, ESCOM – Borsa İstabul (BIST) ; Adres, Atakan Sokak No Mecidiyeköy Şişli İstanbul ; E-mail.Şirketin merkezi İstanbul dadır. Genel Kurul toplantılarına Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı başkanlık eder. We know that keeping an excellent record of these high values differ us from other companies in the sector which servet he same tasks. Yatırımcı İlişkileri. Bunlarla birlikte şirketler kurabilir, mali mesuliyetin paylaşılmasına dayanan anlaşmalar yapabilir. Sermaye Piyasası Kurulunca verilen kayıtlı sermaye tavanı izni yılları 5 yıl için geçerlidir. Genel Kurullar. Gaye ve mevzuunun tahakkuku zımnında, para istikraz edebilir. Bu görevlerin, Yönetim Kurulu veya Denetçiler tarafından yerine getirilmemesi halinde yetkili Mahkeme, Genel Kurulun toplantıya çağırılmasına ve istenilen hususların müzakere olunmasına izin verebilir. Zorunlu ilkelere uyulmaksızın yapılan işlemler ve alınan yönetim kurulu kararları geçersiz olup esas sözleşmeye aykırı sayılır. As Eskort Ship Agency, we provide full agency services to the ships passing through the straits to ensure smooth and safe passages. İş bu ipoteklerin terkinini talep edebilir. Fakat birinci hesap yılı şirketin kesin olarak kurulduğu tarihten başlar. Yapılacak sermaye artırımlarında A grubu paylar karşılığında A grubu, B grubu paylar karşılığında B grubu yeni paylar çıkartılacaktır. Fıkrası hükümlerine göre Türkiye genelinde sicil kayıtlarının ilanına özgü Türkiye Ticaret Sicil Gazetesi ile yapılır. Temel Bilgiler. Eskort Shipping Agency has been successfully continuing its agency services in the maritime sector since ; all kind of agency services that we provide to domestic and foreign flagged ships in many ports of Turkey are based on a successful cooperation with the respect we have for our business, the meticulousness in our work and the satisfaction awareness of our business partners. The ship types that our company mainly serves are Dry Bulk, Container and Tanker vessels. Şirketin kayıtlı sermayesi Faaliyet Raporları. Diğer Ticari Hizmetler. Bu sermayenin Konusu ile ilgili olarak Makine, Teçhizat, Ekipman ithal edebilir, satın alabilir, satabilir, bakım onarım yapabilir yine konusu ile ilgili ihtiyaç olabilecek yazılım ithal edebilir, satın alabilir ve satabilir. Paylara ilişkin temettü, kıstelyevm esası uygulanmaksızın, hesap dönemi sonu itibarıyla mevcut payların tümüne, bunların ihraç ve iktisap tarihleri dikkate alınmaksızın dağıtılır. Bu cümleden olmak üzere kanunun tayin ettiği çerçeve içinde her türlü teminat verebilir.