Özdemir TÜRK. Lichens of the Thrace Region of TurkeyA. Life Cycle of Gammarus pulex L. Lightweight wireless protocol based on IEEE ASAR and A. Leila Sex On The Beach wind monitoring matched with lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea L. Long-term effects of crop rotation and fertilizers on weed community in spring barleyH. Long term stability of 1. Lycium barbarum L. Machilus thunbergii extract inhibits inflammatory response inlipopolysaccharide-induced RAW Macro- and micromineral contents of different quinoa Chenopodium quinoa Willd. Macrobiotus noemiae sp. Macrofungal diversity associated with the scale-leaf juniper trees, Juniperus excelsa and J. Magic Gold NanotubesR. Maintenance of pulmonary rehabilitation benefits in patients with COPD: is a structured5-year follow-up program helpful? Major chemical constituents from Illicium griffithii Hook. Male individuals in cultivated Fritillaria persica L. Liliaceae : real androdioecy or gender disphasy? Male infertility is significantly associated with multiple deletions in an 8. GÜL, and M. Management of acute postoperative hypertension for reducing cardiovascular complications in cancer patients: when and how aggressively? Mapping and analyzing the spatial distribution of thetribe Triticeae Dumort. Mapping heavy elements in the supernova remnant G Mapping quantitative trait loci and developing first molecular marker for race 5 of Podosphera xanthii resistance in melon Cucumis melo L. Marine Flora of the Turkish Mediterranean Coast 1. Marine Flora of the Turkish Mediterranean Coast 2. Mass Production and Release of Calosoma sycophanta L. Mating system in natural populations of Taurus cedar Cedrus libani A. Medically important Candida spp. Medical mask or N95 respirator: when and how to use? Mediostoma izmirica sp. Melatonin and other factors that promote rooting and sprouting of shoot cuttings in Punica granatum cv. Mesomermis devii sp. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles SBA loaded with emodin upregulate the antioxidative defense of Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. Mesua ferrea L. Metabolite profiling, distribution of secretory structures, and histochemistry inCurculigo orchioides Gaertn. Metacordyceps dhauladharensis sp. Metazoan parasites of brown meagre Sciaena umbra L. Methoxyflavonoids from Pinaropappus roseusÜ. Microhabitats and fragmentation effects on a ground beetle community Coleoptera: Carabidae in a mountainous beech forest landscapeSLAV? VYAS, C. SHAH, and G. Micromorphological characters on nutlet and leaf indumentum of Teucrium sect.
Morphological diversity among fig Ficus carica L. Ilocano dili. Modern quantum mechanics, why we need it, how to use it? New records and a checklist of Cephidae Hymenoptera:Insecta of Turkey with a short biogeographical consideration , E. Morisyen Kreolü.
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