Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler. User Username Password Remember me. Language Translator. The relationship between sleep and quality of sexual life in pregnant women Serap Öztürk Altınayak, Zümrüt Yılar Erkek. Abstract This study aimed to Sex And Pregnancy Third Trimester the relationship between sleep quality and quality of sexual life in pregnant women. This cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted with pregnant women. Descriptive statistics, pearson correlation analysis, and simple linear regression analysis were used for data analysis. In pregnant women, the level of sleep quality explained It was concluded that their quality of sexual life was negatively affected as pregnant women sleep quality decreased. Afr J Reprod Health ; 28 [5]: Full Text: PDF. References Çoban A and Yanıkkerem U. Sleep quality and fatigue in pregnant women. Ege Jorunal of Medicine ; 49 2- Women and insomnia. Clinical Cornerstone ; 6 Sleep and its disorders in pregnancy. Wisconsin Medical Journal ; Factors related to insomnia and sleepiness in the late third trimester of pregnancy. Arch Gynecol Obstet. South Med J ; Sleep disorders in pregnancy. Curr Opin Pulm Med ; 9 The effect of physical activity level and sleep quality on quality of life in pregnant women. Journal Of Turkish Sleep Medicine, ; 3 The qualıty of sleep of nurses who works shıft workers. Examining the sleep quality of nurses. Determination of sleep quality of sleeping pregnancies Sex And Pregnancy Third Trimester last trimester and methods of coping: sleep in last trimester pregnancy. The effect of sleep quality to the labor and labor pain. HSP ; 2 3 Examining the association of perceived stress with sleep quality in pregnancy. Poor sleep quality of third-trimester pregnancy is a risk factor for postpartum depression. Med Sci Monit ; 20 The origins of human sexual culture. Moseley, A. İstanbul: Pegasus. Alterations in sexual functions during and after pregnancy: Prejudice?
In women participating the study week of pregnancy was Out of the patients, 54 The aim of our study was to determine the effects of pregnancy on sexual life in pregnant women followed up in primary care and it is a cross-sectional study. Arch Gynecol Obstet. Remember me. Sleep quality and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care unit at Gondar, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study.
Female sexual behaviour and perception during pregnancy: A questionnaire-based study
In terms the sexual quality of life, the scores of the pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters are higher than the scores of those in the 1st trimester. However, sexual act during pregnancy is a situation that is avoided due to many factors. Conclusion: Sexual behaviour during pregnancy is specifically affected by individual changes and thoughts. Couples restrict sexual activity for fear of harming the fetus during. Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy? Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study of heterosexual pregnant women in the third trimester. None of the participants had oral or anal sex.Google Analitik İstatistiklerini Görüntüle. Ege Jorunal of Medicine ; 49 2 , - We recommend that you look at the checklist to review your article for The Journal of Turkish Family Physician. Beliefs about sexual activity during pregnancy: A systematic review of the literature. Keskin, D. Masters W, Jhonson W. Sexual functions were assessed with the female sexual function index. Female sexual behaviour and perception during pregnancy: A questionnaire- based study. Home page Latest Publications The effects of pregnancy on sexual life. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Son trimesterdeki gebelerin uyku kalitelerinin ve uyku problemlerine karşı başetme yöntemlerinin belirlenmesi. Von Sydow K. In addition to demographic characteristics, sexual behaviour and perception of individuals were questioned with an additional questionnaire form. Gokyildiz S. Naim M, Bhutto E. Review · 18 June Investigation of the relationship between sleep quality and sexual life. Güney E, Bal Z. Ak S and Balcı Çelik S. The journal can include all scientific, evidence-based articles in both Turkish and English, such as research articles, case reports, reviews, letters to the editor, national and international scientific documents and translations, which are related to general medicine and family medicine and primary health care services. The aim of this study was to define the effects of pregnancy on sexual life. Androloji Bülteni Andrology Bullettin. Create Research Close. Research Article · 20 March The qualıty of sleep of nurses who works shıft workers. Sexuality, which is an important part of health, is disrupted during pregnancy due to some beliefs and taboos. References Güleç C, Köroğlu E.