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To browse Academia. The Covid epidemic, which affects the whole world, has brought about serious changes in business and social life. Accordingly, new forms of work such as remote working have emerged in business life, especially in the field of education. In this new period, especially teachers gave distance education and there were changes in the motivation and productivity of teachers. With this study, it was tried to determine the factors that affect the motivation of teachers working in public institutions during distance education. The aim of the study is to determine the motivation and productivity of 0 531 430 9219 Escort participants in distance education from a pool consisting of various variables such as gender, working year, graduation, institution, motivation and productivity, work-life balance, supervision, continuity of distance education, technology, education content and processing, work environment relations. In this context, the validity and reliability of the scale were determined in the study conducted on participating teachers. As a result of the reliability analysis, the Cronbach's Alpha value was obtained as 0. In terms of validity, the KMO value of the scale was found to be 0. As a result of the Chaid analysis, it was seen that demographic 0 531 430 9219 Escort such as gender, education level, school, distance education, computer knowledge level, means of connecting to courses and supervision dimension were not important predictors. Those who score high in this dimension have higher motivation and productivity. As a result of the analysis, we can say that the source of motivation for teachers is social relations at school. ÖZET Bu çalışmada öğrencilerin başa çıkma stratejileri ve olumsuz otomatik düşünceleri ile depresyon düzeyleri incelenmiştir. Buca Eğitim Fakültesi'ne devam eden yaş ortalaması Elde edilen bulgularda, başa çıkma stratejileri, depresyon düzeyi ve olumsuz otomatik düşünceler arasında anlamlı düzeyde ilişkiler olduğu belirlenmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Başa çıkma. SUMMARY Relationships beıween students' coping strategies and their negative automatic thoughts and depression levels are examined in the paper. A group of female and malej university students with a mean age of Key words: Coping, automatic thoughts, depression. The Covid pandemic, which emerged inhas seriously affected the whole world As a result of the measures taken by the governments after the epidemic, the economic and social life of almost the whole world has been 0 531 430 9219 Escort affected. Especially businesses and employees have been affected more in this process and various economic, social and psychological problems have emerged. Various psychological problems experienced by employees and the fear of Covid have also affected their working life. On the other hand, it has been observed that there are differences in the job satisfaction and turnover intention of the employees compared to the previous periods. In this context, the aim of the study is to analyze the effect of the fear of Covid on their job satisfaction and intention to leave during the Covid pandemic period, and to examine whether the fear of Covid differs in terms of demographic characteristics. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that there was no significant and significant difference in terms of fear of Covid in age groups, job position groups, marital status, working hours and education. It has been statistically determined that the employees in the working life during the Covid epidemic were not afraid of the epidemic much. In addition, no statistically significant and negative relationship was found between fear of Covid and job satisfaction. A statistically significant, positive but weak relationship was found between fear of Covid and intention to leave. On the other hand, it has been determined that there is a significant and negative relationship between job satisfaction and intention to leave in the Covid pandemic environment. Bu kitabın tamamı yada bir kısmı, yazarlarının izni olmaksızın, elektronik, mekanik, fotokopi yada herhangi bir kayıt sistemi ile çoğaltılamaz, yayınlanamaz, depolanamaz. Te study group consisted of freshmen students female and male who study at the School of Languages at Gaziantep University at the term of academic year. In order to maintain the language equivalence of the questionnaire, two applications were carried out, leaving three weeks intervals and consequently a high-level, positive and meaningful relation was found. As a result of the confirmatory factor analysis, it was obtained adequate fit to data, yielding a one-factored structure. According to these results, we can say that the version of LCQ which was adapted into Turkish is valid and reliable. Journal of Social Research and Behavioral Sciences. Change and transformation in the world take place very quickly. The rapid realization of change and transformation has made education very important.

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Abstracts should not exceed words. This study was approved by the Ethical Committee of Kirikkale University. Halka açõk olmayan veya halka açõk olan işletmelerdeki hisse yoğunluğu; işletme sahiplerinin ekonomik tercihleri, yönetimde bulunma ve denetlemede aktif olma isteklerine, işletmelerin kurumsal yapõsõna, büyüklüğüne, kuruluş şekli ve hukuki yapõsõna göre değişebilmektedir. Both Alvarado and Lintula scores have a high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in the geriatric age group. All reference figures in the text should be given in brackets without changing the font size. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg ; Yine, toplumsal olaylar sebebiyle sadece mobil internet bağlantı- sının yavaşlatılması da söz konusu olabilmektedir. Teknoloji dünyasındaki gelişmelerle, bu gelişmelerin doğrudan etkilediği sosyal hayattaki değişim emniyet teşkilatını da etkisi altına almaktadır. Fiziksel adres olarak da adlandırılmaktadır. Radiologic imaging studies have a high sensitivity and specificity, but routine use of these techniques not only increases the cost but is also associated with radiation and contrast exposure. J Korean Med Sci ; The duration of the TTI also increases the rate of fecal contamination. It has been shown in several studies that tissue GSH levels are rapidly decreased during pancreatic damage. Proxy sunucusu içerik ve kullanıcı arasında filtreleme görevi üstlen- diği için kullanıcının istenmeyen içerikle veya virüs gibi zararlı program- larla karşılaşma riskini ortadan kaldırır. Principles and practice of anesthesiology. Evaluation of the SprayGel adhesion barrier in the rat cecum abrasion and rabbit uterine horn adhesion models. Port engellemesi İkinci bölümde incelendiği üzere her bir internet servisinin kendine özgü, port olarak adlandırılan bir alt bağlantı numarası vardır. Bu sebeple devletler, kullandıkları teknolojinin mükemmel olmasından ziyade etkili olmasına önem vermektedir. Özellikle erişim sağlama hizmetinin devlet tekelinde olduğu, kullanıcıların belirli model ve tipte modem ve router kullandığı alanlarda cihaz temelli kısıtla- malar uygulanabilir. Türkiye ise istikrar programõnõ yõlõnda uygulamaya başlamõştõr ve enflasyon kõsa sürede düşürülememiştir. J Pathol ; Patients were able to sit up in bed the day after surgery and could walk with two crutches, with full weight exerted on the legs. All of the patients were given epidural anesthesia. To undo perforations that may occur along the line of fracture of the femoral neck, Waddell[18] suggested that the nails be pulled back and redirected for better assessment. Ağ Tarafsızlığı Deklarasyonu Aynı şekilde, internetin etkileşimli özelliği, internetin kullanım alanları için tüketici bir listeleme yapmayı imkânsız kılmaktadır. Ancak, bürokratik sebeplerle internet içerikleri üzerindeki bu tür engellemeler çoğu zaman kaldırılmamaktadır. Aşırı engelleme veya hiç engellememenin, diğer bir deyişle hatalı pozitif false positive ve hatalı negatif false negati- ve durumların ortaya çıkması kaçınılmaz olmaktadır. Click here to sign up. Bu sebeple, ağ tarafsızlığı ilkesine ilişkin tartışmaların temel vurgusu internetin adil bir ortamda, eşit şartlarda, herkesin ulaşabileceği şekilde, açık ve tarafsız olmasına dayanır. Kamu finansman açõklarõnõn azaltõlmasõndaki iki yoldan en önemlisi vergi gelirlerinin artõrõlmasõ ve kamu finansmanõnõn vergiye dayanan sağlõklõ bir yapõya kavuşturulmasõdõr. Ayrıca routerların sadece belirli bir MAC adresinden trafiği kabul etmesi sağla- narak ağa izinsiz bağlantıların kısıtlanması mümkündür. We selected to recalculate the two scores with the exclusion of these two parameters. The bending moment on it is considerably less than with DHS. DDOS, bilişim sistemlerini işlemez hâle getirmek için kullanılan bir ağ saldırı yöntemidir. The empirical results of this research show that the most important factors that influence the capital structures of SMEs are profitability, business risk and non-debt tax shield.

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